
v.030920R Page 4 FEATURES DESCRIPTION REASONS Blend of both asynchronous and synchronous online learning. Synchronous online teaching and learning happens in real time i.e. a virtual traditional classroom. Asynchronous online teaching and learning happens when the teacher and students are not engaged in the teach- ing/learning process at the same time. Both have their strong and weak points. We are blending them to ensure we get the best of both. Synchronous learning: • Social interactions • Live engagement & dy- namic learning • Quick feedback on under- standing Asynchronous learning: • Self-pacing • Improved flexible and accessibility (e.g. time zone constraints, techni- cal issues, electric power outages) • Reduce online data usage Deliberate emphasis on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) A framework to improve and optimize learning for all students. Multiple means of representation, mul- tiple means of engagement, multiple means of action and expression. • Differentiation • Collaboration • Exciting lessons • Improved accessibility • Removes learning barriers • Goals, methods, materi- als, assessments work for everyone Blended Learning A mix of learning online and face-to- face in a traditional classroom To be ready for the situation where schools restart with social distancing rules and all students cannot be on campus. Students at home can still ben- efit from online lessons. STRUCTURE OF LESSONS FOR SECONDARY CAMPUS Organisation • Each unit is divided into weekly (6-day for secondary) learning modules. Each mod- ule has a specific focus to ensure unit completion. • Similarly, each lesson has a specific focus to ensure essential understanding and an opportunity to consolidate the intended learning outcomes, as well as leading students to further personal inquiry. • A weekly plan shall be provided on ManageBac by the end of Day 6 for the following week. This would be implemented using the daily lesson plan option on ManageBac.