TIS Magazine 2020

THE Let me set the scene : Your heart slams against your ribcage and sweat drips down your forehead. You take a look around- the bed is unlaid, the room is unswept and you rush frantically to fit one foot into your shoe. But you have 5. More. Minutes. You imagine you can do it. In your head, the shoes come on in 10 seconds, the bed laid in 40 and your room swept in 50. But, the seconds go by and it happens: the inspection bell rings. You are late. He walks in and you immediately make eye contact. He does a quick survey of the room, and in his eyes, you see the realiza- tion that nothing that needs to be done is done. You fearfully face him as these fate- ful words come out of his mouth “You go freaking job”. That’s it. One of the many realities of TIS. Of course in too many heads we wake up and have multitudes servants at our beck and call then we float through the day in clouds of comfort and leisure. Reality check. That isn’t it. In our reality, the TIS reality, there is a fast and furious pace that creates models of time management, discipline, and most of all integrity. So when I’m asked ques- tions like “Can you sweep?” accompanied by tinkers of amused laughter, I simply join in the laughter because it’s just that- a joke. No one here is living in that impos- sible utopia. I’ll admit, from a spectator’s view, TIS may look like just another school for Ghana’s “Dada bees”, but trust me, it is more than that. It is facing morning chores with the roommates and compromising when people don’t seem to make sense to you, it is common room meetings where you can laugh with your friends and make unexpected new ones, it is competing heavily at sporty families and killing it at the school play. It is all this and so much more. But you don’t have to take my word for it, do this instead: Come accompany us on the TIS ride. Sit back and enjoy the captivating view of the TIS events and the TIS intellect. All I ask is that you remain in your seats until we have come to a com- plete stop because in the words of Big Moe, “It’s about to go down”. ICE BRE AKER | 12