TIS Magazine 2020

You got this! It’s Tissy here. Trust me, we’ve all thought about doing A-levels after having a taste of this IB. I can’t stress how well I understand how you feel. I’ve heard many pieces of advice regarding this. ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,’ they said. ‘However, I’m not trying to be murdered in getting my diploma, you know?’ That’s what I said. Then realization slapped me hard in the face. It’s just like being able to see things like everyone else: from ground level and the opposite, above ground level. You’re on the ground right now, looking at things as they are. You probably see the many obstacles and challenges in your way. The E.E, I.A’s college essays, supplements, whilst having to balance your social life with it. You wonder when it’s all going to end because you can’t see a destination anywhere near. Then there’s the perspective above ground level. From here, I see that endpoint. I see you moving. However slow or fast you’re moving, you’re still moving and you can get to that destination because you are closer than you think. Don’t give up now. You can do everything and anything you put your mind to and being in ‘just’ Grade 11 shouldn’t determine the amount of stress you feel. It’s okay. Just don’t overstress yourself, okay? There’s no need to enroll in a different school because you can do this - and do it well. Also because your parents have already paid your school fees. You’ve got this! 90431-callmerosy Dear Tissy, my roommates, hm. I get so annoyed by them sometimes. But, we’re five in the room and 2 of my roommates take a minimum of 15-20 minutes to take a bath. And I wake up quite late so this means I’m always late for breakfast and then the hostel prefects keep getting upset with me. How can I politely say to these roommates that this is not their home and that selfishness will not take them anywhere in life. Room meeting!!! I know it might be hard initiating it but trust me, it’ll all be worth it at the end. Just talk to them. Explain your situation in a polite way. You know, without adding that their selfish- ness will not take them anywhere in life. I actually get where you’re coming from because it’s a school setting and they should know better. Just talk to them in that room meeting. Keep your mind open and let everyone express their opinions. You’ll one way or another, find common grounds. Communication is the key. It’s tempting to end here without taking into consideration that the room meeting won’t work out. If that doesn’t work out, just try to wake up earlier than them and bath. All the same, I trust that you’ll be fine & the meeting will actually work out. Compromise comes from communication. Don’t worry! It’ll be okay, promise! -Alberta Addo & Vanessa Addofoly Y 15 |