TIS Magazine 2020

ter away. The buildings separated by just a kilometer are so distinct yet so alike to each other. Here, we have an authentic 21st-century learning environment and experiences that promote communication, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and leadership. Not only does the school offer top-notch facilities and an environment friendly to all, but they also have a safe and enriched learning environment. In addition to the various subjects they are taught, it is manda- tory for them to learn a second language during the program. What more are you looking for in a school? We came across the students of PYP whilst they actively participated in their after school activities. You expect them to shy away, or I at least expected them to shy away. They were, however, confident with auras that exuded a surprising amount of confidence and composure. The type you wouldn’t expect from a child, you know? Nana Adwoa definitely caught my eye. She was literally dripping in elegance and so poised in her speech. Her sentences weren’t rushed. Instead, she spoke slowly, taking pauses now and then, leaving me in a trance. I can’t lie, it was a beautiful sight. “I like to keep things to myself” “Do you think that’s a good thing?” I inquired. She let out a little laugh, paused, and laughed again. Then she said, ‘Sometimes.” She was so calm and collected. One thing I can without a doubt say they enjoy is the school. They all answered saying they would rather come to school than stay in the house. You should see how their face lit up each time the words to the question rolled out of my mouth. From Kwesi to Nana Kwame to Israel the footballer, Akua who says Ghana is too hot for her and Maame Yaa, the lady who aspires to be a min- er. We met different individuals who were similar yet so alike from each other. I can guarantee that they’ll stand out from their other peers. There’s a short video of each of their reactions watch time they’re asked about a girl/boy they liked deeply etched in my memory. It’s a face full of cute disgust I can’t scratch out. And finally, the highlight of the visit: “I don’t miss my mother. I want to play at school foreverrrr!” You would think all they’ll do is to have fun. However, evidence of the above-average traits they exhibit shows in their actions. If you haven’t yet noticed, that was the last turn which took us out of the neighborhood. Don’t gaze back there for too long. There’s more ahead of us, and the destination is near. Sit tight, in 3 seconds I’ll hit the gas. three, two, and one! Vroom! -Vanessa Addofoly No , because I like the way I paint , and I think that ’ s what matters . Some are the better but don ’ t like what they paint . “ “ 21 |