Expression 2016 – CAS Fair

“Our greatest personal fulfilment comes when we contribute to improving the welfare of others”~ Gail Lynne Goodwin With the above in mind, and with Mawuena Atsu Davor at heart, the path was clear to commence the journey to ‘save a life’. The energy of students in putting together all the wares: from Art & Craft,…

Countdown to Expression 2016

5 Days more for our TIS annual Expression 2016. Have you booked your space? 5 Days more to witness a creative experience of “Freedom of Expression: A Right and a Responsibility” 5 Days more to a showcase of Drama, Theatre, Music and Visual Arts. Save this date: Sunday, 20 March. This date is Visiting Sunday…

CAS/Creative Arts Service Learning Trip 2016

Sometimes the most valuable of life’s lessons are not taught; they are experienced. This is one important rationale behind the service learning trip to Akorlikope for the IB Class of 2017; to get out there where things are far from the usual to what they are accustomed, experience what is on the other side of…